Civic Consulting Alliance’s mission is to make the Chicago region a great place for everyone to live in and work.
Civic Consulting Alliance is a nonprofit organization bringing together collaborative investments to get big things done for Chicago. We provide pro bono consulting services that are amplified by the expertise of our corporate partners. Together, we work to advance systems-level solutions that untangle interconnected issues like economic and educational opportunity gaps, violence, and injustice that affect residents.
Our story of partnership
The unique Civic Consulting Alliance model began with a single request from Mayor Harold Washington in 1985. But we trace our roots to the formation of the Commercial Club of Chicago more than a century ago.
Read Complete HistoryOur model is unique
We build meaningful connections with government, social impact and corporate leaders and provide the capacity needed to advance projects that reshape our region to be more just, equitable, and resilient. We leverage our institutional knowledge, cross-sector relationships, as well as data, research, and analysis, to inform clients’ decisions and build sustainable solutions. Below are the pro bono consulting capabilities and expertise that we most often provide to clients:

Our values guide us
We bring together partners from the public, private and non-profit sectors to invest in solving the most challenging issues facing our region. We select projects carefully, ensuring resources are devoted to areas where they can make the greatest impact.
At Civic Consulting Alliance, collaboration means we value our diverse professional talent. We treat each other with respect and appreciate the uniqueness of each individual. We work to listen and understand our colleagues’ perspective to embrace different identities and experiences.
Using our cross-sector relationships, longitudinal knowledge of public sector issues and private sector management skills, we drive practical solutions and measurable results that would not be possible without our involvement.
At Civic Consulting Alliance, impact means we harness diversity of thought. We ask each other critical questions and provide suggestions to advance our thinking and maximize impact. We proactively reach out to our colleagues and external stakeholders to benefit from broad perspectives.
We are curious, courageous and independent, daring to take on the region’s toughest problems and persevering until we meet our goals. Through our work, we develop future civic leaders from among our team, our pro bono partners and our client organizations.
At Civic Consulting Alliance, leadership means we empower initiative taking. Everyone is supported and responsible to make Civic Consulting Alliance the place he or she wants it to be. We all contribute to the success of our Firm and our colleagues.
Sound judgment
We maintain a big picture perspective to help our clients stay focused on the key long term issues despite day to day challenges. We honor our clients’ confidentiality and hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity.
At Civic Consulting Alliance, sound judgement means we use impact as our measure to achieve balance. We prioritize and actively manage our collective and individual work loads through a lens of impact, both to drive positive change for the region and to efficiently manage our internal operations.
We set and achieve ambitious goals for our clients, our partners and ourselves.
We hire and partner with the most talented individuals and firms in pursuit of those goals. We bring simplicity and clarity to solve complex and ambiguous problems.
At Civic Consulting Alliance, excellence means we accelerate our development. We take on stretch roles and actively provide feedback and coaching to support each other through them. We encourage risk taking that drives innovation for our Firm and personal growth.