Fellow Spotlight: Trenati Baker

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August 1, 2019
Fellow Spotlight: Matthew Jimenez
August 1, 2019

Fellow Spotlight: Trenati Baker

Trenati Baker was with us as a Summer Program Assistant from Genesys Works from June to August 2019, and will start her senior year at Amherst College in the fall.

What project work were you involved in during your time at Civic Consulting Alliance?

During my internship, I helped improve Civic Consulting Alliance’s cloud storage and special event management systems. I also supported an analysis of the metrics we use to assess our projects’ impact.

What will you take away from your time at Civic Consulting Alliance?

I’ve learned a lot about the great work Chicago nonprofits are doing. I’ve appreciated getting a behind-the-scenes perspective on work that’s being done to create much-needed change—especially in low-income and Black and Brown communities.

What was your most memorable experience during your time at Civic Consulting Alliance?

I particularly enjoyed my work on Civic Consulting Alliance’s staff retreat. I’ve also appreciated working as part of a diverse team—getting to bond with other Black staff and share our experiences navigating the workplace and professional life in general.

How has your time at Civic Consulting Alliance helped you develop professionally?

I have learned a lot about time management and communication, as well as presentation design and data analysis. I also value the people I’ve met and the relationships I’ve developed here this summer.

Civic Consulting Alliance Fellowships are full-time positions that typically last between three months and a year. Fellows are integrated into project teams for a unique professional development opportunity. Please visit our Fellowships page to learn more about our range of fellowship opportunities.

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