The University of Chicago Law School
The University of Chicago Law School occupies a unique niche among this country's premier law schools. Located on a residential campus in one of America 's great cities, Chicago offers a rigorous and interdisciplinary professional education that blends the study of law with the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences. Students, faculty, and staff form a small, tightly knit community devoted to the life of the mind. Learning is participatory. Chicago does not seek to impose a single viewpoint or style of thought on its students. Instead, faculty exposes students to contrasting views, confident in students' abilities to choose their own paths.
Chicago aims to train well-rounded, critical, and socially conscious thinkers and doers. The cornerstones that provide the foundation for Chicago 's educational mission are the life of the mind, participatory learning, interdisciplinary inquiry, and an education for generalists. What sets Chicago apart from other law schools is its unabashed enthusiasm for the life of the mind--the conviction that ideas matter, that they are worth discussing, and that legal education should devote itself to learning for learning's sake.