Special Projects

Special Projects

Addressing critical, urgent needs

Given our flexible, collaborative model, Civic Consulting Alliance is uniquely positioned to capture timely opportunities and address urgent challenges that advance our mission—to make the Chicago region a great place for everyone to live in and work.

Recent examples of our special projects work include:

  • Creating Cook Country's first Long Range Transportation Plan in more than 75 years
  • Supporting Chicago's Department of Family and Support Services to develop an operating model, priorities, and goals
  • Improving operational efficiency of the Illinois Department of Transportation's contracting processes
  • Developing and supporting the Civic Leadership Academy, which graduated its second cohort of 30 fellows in July 2016

Project Highlights

February 1, 2019

Supporting the Illinois Gubernatorial Transition

As part of the transitions process that culminated in the inauguration of Governor Pritzker on January 8, Civic Consulting Alliance and pro bono partners from Accenture, Advance Illinois, Deloitte, EY, Mayer Brown, and McKinsey & Co. managed 11 transition committees composed of ...