As COVID-19 spreads, every unit of our region’s government is wrestling with multiple, parallel objectives:
In March, Civic Consulting Alliance answered calls from the City of Chicago and Cook County to mobilize rapidly for a cross-sector, comprehensive, and inclusive COVID-19 response. To date, we’ve redeployed 75 percent of our staff and secured eight pro bono teams across several workstreams:
Client: City of Chicago
Client: Cook County
Non-Government Stakeholders
The breadth of our investment in this critical work is only possible because of the generous commitments of our pro bono partners, which, to date, include: Accenture, Bain & Company, Baker McKenzie, Boston Consulting Group, Kearney, McKinsey & Company, Oliver Wyman, and Slalom. I n the coming months, as our region shifts from crisis response to recovery, Civic Consulting Alliance will continue to dedicate significant staff resources and seek generous pro bono investments from our diverse partner network to support a safe and inclusive reopening and recovery. Sustained civic engagement and cross-sector collaboration will be critical as we continue to work to address the structural inequities that have prevented inclusive economic growth, buoyed by the City and the County’s commitment to equity and ending poverty.