Fellow Spotlight: Allie O’Shea

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August 1, 2019
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August 1, 2019

Fellow Spotlight: Allie O’Shea

Allie O’Shea was with us as a fellow from Deloitte from April to July 2019.

What project work were you involved in during your time at Civic Consulting Alliance?

I worked with CPD to assess their officer scheduling processes, identify industry best practices, and develop recommendations to streamline processes and automate technology solutions. This work will help ensure that officers work consistently with one supervisor and have increased oversight.

What will you take away from your time at Civic Consulting Alliance?

I absolutely loved my time at Civic Consulting Alliance. I was exposed to a new industry and a new network of passionate individuals who want to make Chicago a better place. I will take these experiences and relationships with me, and I’m excited to keep in touch with everyone I met this summer.

What was your most memorable experience during your time at Civic Consulting Alliance?

I did a ‘ride along’ with two CPD officers during a patrol. It was an incredible learning experience to see what police officers do daily and to gain a better understanding of detailed patrol operations.

How has your time at Civic Consulting Alliance helped you develop professionally?

It was a great experience to see how my private sector skill set could be applied to incredibly meaningful work with a public sector agency like CPD. Furthermore, I met so many mentors during my time at Civic Consulting Alliance who really invested in me and provided career advice that I will take with me as I begin by MBA this fall!

Civic Consulting Alliance Fellowships are full-time positions that typically last between three months and a year. Fellows are integrated into project teams for a unique professional development opportunity. Please visit our Fellowships page to learn more about our range of fellowship opportunities.

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