Fellow Spotlight: Rachel Sato

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March 1, 2019
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April 1, 2019

Fellow Spotlight: Rachel Sato

Rachel was with us as an undergraduate fellow from Northwestern University from January to March 2019.

What drew you to the Civic Consulting Alliance undergraduate fellowship?

I was drawn to Civic Consulting Alliance because of its unique integration of the public and private sectors. The use of private-style consulting techniques to solve public challenges leads to effective and impactful changes, and I wanted to see those changes first-hand.

What project work were you involved in during your time at the Civic Consulting Alliance?

I was also involved with the work to research and document strategic options for the City, with a focus on post-secondary education.

What will you take away from your time at Civic Consulting Alliance?

I gained a lot of valuable experience working on a team in a professional setting. I think my biggest take-away was learning specific techniques for problem-solving, such as a hypothesis-driven approach. These techniques will be valuable for my academic projects as well as future jobs.

We’re proud of our several years-long partnership with Northwestern University to provide undergraduate students with a unique, semester-long fellowship opportunity. Please visit our Fellowships page to learn more about our range of fellowship opportunities.

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