Fellow Spotlight: Patrick Holbrook

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Fellow Spotlight: Patrick Holbrook

Patrick Holbrook was with us as a fellow from Bain from October 2018 to February 2019.

What projects were you involved in during your time at the Civic Consulting Alliance?

During my four months at Civic Consulting Alliance, I worked with West Side United to realize their vision of making the West Side of Chicago a stronger, healthier, and more vibrant place to live. I led the implementation efforts for programs aimed at increasing healthy food access for residents in West Side United’s ten focus neighborhoods. These programs range from building a cohesive food insecurity screening strategy for patients at the six West Side United member hospitals, to establishing a fruits and vegetables prescription program to provide 1,000 families with fruits and vegetables on an ongoing basis.

What will you take away from your time at Civic Consulting Alliance?

I will leave with a unique appreciation for the sheer number of amazing people that work every day to make Chicago a better place, at Civic Consulting Alliance and beyond. The opportunity to meet and learn from influential leaders in Chicago’s food access scene taught me so much about the city I live in and gave me a network that I hope to keep in touch with throughout my career.

What was your most memorable experience during your time at Civic Consulting Alliance?

In my first week at Civic Consulting Alliance, I attended a West Side United leadership meeting, where I was in the room with C-suite executives from some of Chicago’s most influential hospital systems. Watching the leaders of competing organizations come together around a single goal of making Chicago a better place to live was inspiring and an experience I’ll remember for a long time.

How has your time at Civic Consulting Alliance helped you develop professionally?

Civic Consulting Alliance and West Side United reinforced my long-standing interest in public health and showed me the value my private sector consulting skills can add to the public sector. In particular, the ability to move a group of competitors towards a common goal was a challenge that helped me sharpen my consulting skills, while building my confidence as a leader. Civic Consulting Alliance has been an incredible growth opportunity for me, both personally and professionally.

Civic Consulting Alliance Fellowships are full-time positions that last between three months and a year. Fellows are integrated into project teams for a unique professional development opportunity. Please visit the Fellowships page on our website to learn more about our range of fellowship opportunities..

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